Your lucky morning

Your lucky morning

We wake up and start the day sincere smile. We are pleased that in front of us another new day. We sit on the floor and perform some calm stretches. Once our body warms up and feel the rush of endorphins (happiness hormone), shut the eyes and take a few minutes to meditate (we can sit or lie). Our breathing becomes calm and clear the mind and hassle free.

When we open our eyes, we feel calm and strong belief that all will be well. Feel safe, calm, we start thinking positively. We gain confidence. Take a book with Latin proverbs, poetry or the Bible and read for five minutes. Let us read a short text and think over its meaning. Let’s plan a daily basis about 20 minutes this morning ritual, which will strengthen us for the rest of the day and will add strength to struggle with everyday life.

Music Therapy

Another item on the list of the great pleasures in life is music. Her relationship with medicine dates back to ancient times. At the end of the nineteenth century began to study the effect of music on physiological processes such as cardiac, respiratory rate and blood pressure. In 1986, in “Journal of Music Therapy,” published the results of a meta-analysis of 30 different studies on the use of music in the practice of medicine and dentistry. Music mostly used to relieve pain and anxiety.
Currently he conducted research on music therapy, or method using the therapeutic properties of music to improve the physical, psychological and mental treatment of people. Music reassuring acts as a painkiller, while stimulating primarily a distraction.
We meet with the opinion that the techniques distracting – relaxation techniques, meditation, hypnosis, visualization – are different in form strategies to combat pain. Many people instinctively listening to music, in order to not to think about his suffering. Any such form of activity is good if it is effective. Let’s find something for themselves.

“Music should light the flame in the heart of man
and his eyes fill with tears women.”
– Ludwig van Beethoven

“Music soothes the mind, facilitates the ascent of thought, and when necessary, stimulates the fight.”
Agrippa von Netteshei

Laughter is good for health

Since laughter and joy to health, a good joke or view the sunset should act on us like a balm. Dr. Hamillton House, author of the study conducted in Tecumseh, said that the mortality of men, riding on picnics and tours of the city and taking part in cultural and sporting events, is less.

What external factors may help us in maintaining good health?
Watching the beauty of nature and art. Listening to opera.
Walking on the beach and a moment of nostalgia.
Watching beautiful paintings, photographs, sculptures. Physical contact with another person.

Much of this sounds very familiar, does not it?

So let us love life!

“Laughter is the medicine that anyone can take credit for.”
– Reinhold Boller

“The most wasted human is the day in which he did not dare.”
– Nicolas de Chamfort

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