Positive „Good Morning” – 5 simple habits to change your mornings forever

Positive „Good Morning” – 5 simple habits to change your mornings forever

Nobody likes mornings… it’s pretty understandable. Especially, if they are the beginning of a terrible day of rush and stress, with no spare time for yourself. After a bad morning, you would feel uncomfortable and exhausted. That’s like a false start, isn’t it? But don’t worry, the solution is right there and it’s so easy!

Try to make every morning a good beginning of a day – a perfect start. Make sure it would bring you energy and vitality for everything you would need to face later. We have 5 simple rules for you. Bringing it to your life and making a good habit won’t be difficult or very time-consuming. What we know for sure – you will love the effects and it will really make your mornings nice and easy. Are you ready for a challenge?

1. Wake up always at the same time

Always try to wake u around the same time. Not too late! The earlier you would start your day, the better. It’s a common myth that sleeping longer would make you more energized. Waking up early would make you feel better. Also, try to wake up with the first alarm – don’t snooze it, don’t take „5 more minutes”. These little naps are only making you nervous, annoyed and confused – that’s not a good start for your mood for a day.

It’s proved that irregular sleeping hours and naps in the morning have a negative impact at your body. If so, why would you do that to yourself? Remember, that regular hours apply not only to the mornings, but also the time of going to bed at night. Try to go to bed before 11 – your sleep will be the most effective and you would wake up full of energy and in a better mood.

2. Warm up in the morning

A few easy exercises every morning would make your day better. You would have more energy, would be warmed up and ready for the challenges and surprises of the day. During physical activity your body is producing endorphins – hormones of joy. Make sure you have a good dosage of them in your blood before you starting your day for good. Make endorphins you little „addiction”.

A few squats, jumping jacks, light stretching, some yoga. Whatever would make you feel like your body is getting warmed up and your heartbeat is a little bit faster. You don’t have to get sweaty and tired! 10 minutes of light training it’s more than enough. What is more – it will make a huge difference.

3. Water instead of coffee

We know it’s a common habit, but try not to start your day with a coffee. The best you can do is to drink some warm water with lemons. Drink it as a first thing after waking up, at least 30 minutes before breakfast. With a breakfast you should drink some herbal tea or fresh vegetable-fruit juice.

A habit of drinking a glass of water every morning would have a great impact on your body. It would support your metabolism and immunity, and also visibly slow down the aging process.

4. Eat a nutritious breakfast

Sounds so obvious? It’s not! So many people are skipping breakfast or eating is as a fast snack in the morning rush. Make sure you’re not one of them! Find some time for a good breakfast eaten in peace. You don’t have to eat a lot – it’s nutrients what counts the most.

Oatmeal, muesli, yogurt, fruits, cereal, smoothies… there are so many easy, quick and valuable options! You can be sure, that after a meal like that you would have energy for the rest of the good day.

5. A schedule of your day

Find a few minutes for yourself. Listen to some music, read a newspaper or listen to a podcast. Try to avoid screens at this time. Enjoy this nice moment before you jump into the craziness of your normal day.

Use this time also to plan your day in details. Use a calendar or organizer. Write down all the things to do, your goals for a day, add some good quote for motivation. It would help you to keep the harmony, and put in order all the tasks of the day. In the evening, you can check what you succeed in, what went wrong, write down some conclusions about it. It would really keep you more motivated.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

All these little rules may sound like something that cannot have such a big impact on one’s life? You would be surprised, trust me!

However, you need to remember, to not to be to strict about rules, and schedules. You’re only a human and sometimes you just need to do what you feel like doing, not what’s planned. You don’t feel like exercising today, or you just want to eat some cheesecake for your breakfast? Just do it. Learn, how to listen to your body and hear its needs. You need to be your own friend and supporter.

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