5 good habits to change your life forever

5 good habits to change your life forever

Not this long ago we gave you a few tips on how to make your mornings better. What do you think about them? Do you use them? Are your mornings a good beginning of a day now? If so, you are ready for the next step!

We have 5 new rules that would really change your life. These are a little different from the previous ones. They’re not about your diet or training. They more about your attitude, a way of thinking and mental state. They may be a little less tangible but results would be very visible for you. Very quickly you will simply feel better and happier.

1. Organize your time and space

Use a calendar or an organizer – write down your goals, tasks, successes and failures. Note all the conclusions, thoughts, ideas, quotes that motivated you. It all would help you not only get organized better but also save your time and prevent a lot of unneeded stress. Filling pages and seeing more and more goals achieved would give you a lot of satisfaction and remind you to enjoy every little success.

Focus not only on organizing your time but also space around you. Well organized space is a better and just nicer. Get rid of all the old, unused stuff, broken appliances, old documents. Disorder and lots of old, forgotten, unneeded stuff are just producing negative energy – you don’t need it in your surroundings. Clean spaces with a lot of light are better for you and would have a good impact on you.

Keep memories, not memorabilia. Surrounding yourself with memories and things from the past is simply unhealthy for both your body and mind.

2. Change your attitude

It’s extremely important to keep a positive attitude. No matter what. Try to look at the things around you from a brand new perspective. There are so many things you can’t help – why would you worry or be nervous about it? This is just a waste of energy. You’re stuck in bad traffic? Turn on some good music in a car. Long lane at the bank? Read a book. Somebody is annoying you? Don’t waste time on pointless discussions or fights and spend it with somebody who can bring something valuable into your life.

Against everybody around, try to look at the world from this new, better perspective.

3. Find some time for yourself.

Every day, make sure that you have some time for yourself. Even 20 minutes daily would enough at that point. Read your favorite book, meditate, listen to some music you like, go for a walk to enjoy the pretty sunset, take a hot relaxing bath… whatever would make you feel happy and relaxed will work here. Try to avoid screens and make it a time without too many intense stimulants.

You can try to use this time to spend it with your partner – I’m sure it would have a good impact on your relationship. Remember, to make it relaxing and enjoyable – don’t talk about news that are bothering you or the problems you’re facing. Rather talk about some good memories you’ve made together, plan your next trip or vacations, discuss the interesting books you read. Stay fully focused on each other and your relationship, and just enjoy this time.

4. Stay positive and be grateful

We were already talking about changing the attitude to everything what’s around you. Now it’s time to change the way think about yourself. You’re already having your calendar – remember to write down all your little success and fulfilled goals. Stay focused on them all, on your successes, not failures. Appreciate and celebrate them. Some level of self-criticism is important but you cannot let it dominate your thoughts and opinion about yourself. You need to be less strict about yourself and more forgiving.

This attitude is important both in thinking about the past and planning your future. Don’t let the „I can’t do it” thoughts impact your plans or ruin your dreams. Instead of that repeat to yourself the phrase „I will try until I succeed”. Never give up and stay motivated. All the limits and obstacles are in your head – don’t let them grow, fight with them!

Be grateful and appreciate everything you have. Your friends, family, good health, job, hobbies, little pleasures, every day wins, and motivation. That’s the good base to build your positive attitude on.

5. Never stop learning

Always remember the fact, that is never too late to do anything. It’s so true! Learn new things, work on your dreams, fulfill the dreams you’ve never have time for. Read a lot of books, take some classes – language course, dance, cooking, whatever you feel like. As a child you were dreaming about becoming a guitar player – why wouldn’t you start playing now? Never give up an never slow down.

Your brain has to always be challenged to keep your memory, vitality , wisdom, and acuteness. You will also fell better and motivated and self-confident.

Face the challenge

All these rules need you to stay motivated, determined and work hard. You really need to want to change your life. If so, you wouldn’t need to wait long for the incredible effects. Step by step, change your attitude and habits – change your life. Work on that every day and enjoy the visible improvement.

It’s really worth it – begin today and change your life forever.

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